Proper criteria to select the deserving candidate has been laid down by PDC. Our team of 34 dedicated field secretaries is always on the look out for those budding artists, writers, sports persons, poets, school-going children etc. who are brilliant in their respective activities but cannot meet their basic needs for the advancement of their knowledge. A list of such deserving candidates is prepared and screened. Based on the recommendation of respective field secretaries, the names of deserving candidates are considered for financial assistance by central committee.

We do not believe in unnecessary formalities and our aim is to reach the needy & deserving candidate in the shortest possible time.


In order to achieve the above aims and objectives, the following line of action is followed by PDC :


5.1 Individual sponsored stipends/fellowships:

PDC interacts with all large-hearted friends, well wishers,old class fellows,referrals etc. with right mindset through letters,e-mails, phones to pursue them to raise stipends:

  • In the sacred memory of martyrs, patriots, gallant warriors,freedom fighters, national heroes etc.
  • In the cherished memory of mahatma, pious & noble souls,gurus & saints, deities, social reformers, beloved teachers,alma mater, guide etc.
  • In the everlasting memory of his/her near and dear ones (say father/ mother/uncle/aunt/ brother/ sister/ husband/ wife/son/daughter etc.).
  • In the loving memory of efficient administrators, eminent judges, social activists, professionals, scientists, favourite artists, writers, sports persons etc.
  • In the sacred memory of trustworthy friends, reliable well- wishers etc.
  • On auspicious occasions like Independence day, Republic day, new arrival in the family, birthday, wedding anniversary, new year resolution, festivals, miraculous escape from death, turning point in one's life etc.
  • Sponsoring awareness compaigns and need-based camps on burning issues facing society like free medical camps, career counseling and guidance camps, sports, eradication of superstitions/social evils etc. as part of his/her social commitment towards society.
  • Adopting needy and deserving school-going girl/boy belonging to his/her own village/ town/ city or locality.

5.2 Organization sponsored stipends:

Under this category, govt. agencies, banks, local bodies such as municipality / gram panchayat etc. / institutions/ trusts / funding agencies / religious bodies / voluntary agencies / pvt. organizations etc. are welcome to sponsor stipends:

  • For the needy & deserving individuals as part of their social responsibility towards society.
  • In honour of organization’s selfless promoters, founder, advisors, key personnel etc.
  • On the foundation/raising day of the establishment.
  • In the cherished memory of martyrs, patriots, gallant warriors, freedom fighters, national heroes etc. collectively in the loving memory of mahatma, pious &noble souls, gurus & saints, deities, social reformers, beloved teachers,alma mater, guide etc.
  • In the everlasting memory of efficient administrators, eminent judges, social activists, professionals, scientists, favourite artists, writers, sports persons etc.
  • Sponsoring awareness compaigns and need-based camps like free medical camps,career counseling and guidance camps,sports, eradication of superstitions/social evils etc. as part of their social commitment and corporate responsibility towards society.

5.3 PDC sponsored stipends/assistanceship:

People's Development Centre is committed to sponsor stipends from the funds raised by its members from its own resources:

  • By rendering counseling & consultancy services to the needy individuals & organizatioins.
  • By arranging charity shows.
  • By arranging in-house training courses for different organizations.
  • From publications/souvenirs etc.
  • Any other suitable source e.g. honorarium received by members as guest speakers,expert lectures/talks at seminars/conferences.

Irrespective of the amount or category, the contribution is a perpetual source  of financial assistance to a needy & deserving individual. It may prove to be a turning point in his/her career. 

"Do not postpone virtuous deeds, as these alone will befriend you to the full, until you die & even afterwards."
