All contributions are received in favour of People's Development Centre, addressed at People's Development Centre, 109, (G.F.), Sector 45-A, Chandigarh-160047 (U.T.) India by cash/bank draft or A/c payee cheque payable at SBI, Sector 34-A, Chandigarh, Saving Fund A/c No.: 31718172454, IFS Code: SBIN0008701. The corpus fund collected this way, is invested in fixed deposits or mutual funds. The interest accrued from fixed deposits/mutual funds is disbursed among the deserving ones. The amount of stipend dispatched to the needy is calculated based on the following formula depending on prevailing bank rates, say

Amount of contribution

Donation (One Time)

Rs. 10,000/-

Rs. 20,000/-

Rs. 30,000/-

Rs. 40,000/-

Rs. 50,000/-

Rs. 1,00,000/-

Approx. amount of interest

accrued per year


Rs. 1,400/-

Rs. 2,100/-

Rs. 2,800/-

Rs. 3,500/-

Rs. 7,000/-

Contributions less than Rs. 5000/- are also acceptable by PDC for general donation pool.

7.0 Transparency  &  Accountability
  • The society files income tax returns (ITR) every year.
  • Before offering stipend to the needy & deserving candidate, PDC seeks the consent of each contributor.
  • The stipend will be terminated in case the recipient misuses the assistance for the purpose other than for which it was intended.
  • To exhibit more transparency, the contributors are free to check the accounts of the Society as per their convenience by giving prior intimation.
  • PDC ensures that all its sponsors succeed in their mission by adopting fair practices. No complaint is entertained which is likely to mar the reputation of our sponsors.
  • By following ethical practices, PDC is committed and aims to become one of the most respected NGOs in the eyes of its stake holders.

“Who is there to take up my duties?" asked the setting sun. "I shall do what I can, my Master," said the earthen lamp.”

- Rabindranath Tagore