13.0 Their Comments - Our Inspiration

“………….The memory of those departed and loved during life time are always remembered after they have left us. Most of us want to know how to make a lasting memorial to persons whose memories will be cherished and never forgotten. To accomplish this, we look for the most appropriate memorial to be established in their sacred memory. What we earn through the society, must be returned to the society. What better contribution than to see that most deserving cause for People’s Development Centre be served………”

-Padama Shri O.P.Bahl, IOFS, Ex-Member, Ordnance Factory Board, Kolkata

"………….The goals you have set to achieve after retirement are great and pray to God that you are successful in fulfilling them…………"

-Smt. Saroj Vinayek, IOFS Director General & Chairman, Indian Ordnance Factories, Kolkata

“………….Your career will serve as a beacon to all the Defence Service Personnel. Your wish to dedicate your second innings of your life to the poorest of poor and endeavoring to float memorial stipends/scholarships in the memory of those patriots and martyrs who participated and laid down their lives in India’s struggle for independence, especially those condemned for life imprisonment in Cellular Jail, Port Blair (Andamans) as well as those killed in JallianwalaBagh massacre, Amritsar (Punjab), represent your true spirit………”

-Shri D. Sivanandhan, IPS Director General of Police, Govt. of Maharashtra, Mumbai

“…………….I fully appreciate the efforts of the Committee to touch the lives of the most underprivileged. I congratulate you for this noble effort & wish you good luck.”-

-Brig. (Retd.) Dr. Sangat Singh Syalee, New York, U.S.A.

“…………Delighted to know that you found time to visit our office on Feb. 22, 2011. Your credentials are impeccable and your service record is a matter of legitimate pride.”

Shri Saran Singh, I.A.S. (Retd.), Sikh Review Monthly, Kolkata

“……….. It is a matter of appreciation & emulation that you have been devoting all your available time to a noble cause. I wish & pray for more & more success in your endeavors…………..”

--Shri Rajat Kumar Sarnaik, IOFS(Retd.) Ex-Member OFB/ Kolkata                  Pune

“….National Academy of Defence Production (NADP) wishes People’s Development Centre & you all the best in the noble mission of dedicated support and service to the most disadvantaged & marginalized strata of society…….”

-Shri Shailendra Nath, IOFS, Additional Principal Director, NADP, Nagpur (Maharashtra)

“…………It is heartening to note that the Society is extending helping hand to the needy children in studies & sports.”

-Shri Sartaj Singh, IOFS, Member, Ordnance Factory Board, Kolkata

“……. With immense pleasure, I have noted your endeavour towards the noble cause. Your distinguished services, even after retirement from Govt. Service towards helping downtrodden people is unique one……….”

-Shri J.L. Mishra, IOFS, General Manager, O.F.Badmal, Bolangir(Odisha)

“…Society is proud of such people who add value to it. Please keep it up. My best wishes for all success”.

-Shri G.S.Sandhu, Sr. VP, Topworth Pipes and Tubes (P) Ltd, Mumbai

"… My best wishes for the outstanding work you are doing."

- Shri Shailesh Gandhi, Ex-Chief Information Commissioner of India (Mumbai)

"… People Development Center is an excellent idea for community development, education and students welfare."

- L.Pugazhenthy, Executive Director, India Lead Zinc Development Association, New Delhi

"… It is a matter of great appreciation that you have undertaken the noble societal cause. We pray to almighty for your all round success in your endeavors."

- Dr.R.S Khandpur, Ex-Director General, pushpa Gujral Science City, Kapurthala, Punjab

"… I have browsed through the website of People's Development center. You are indeed doing very noble work. May God bless you with all the best in your life."

- Prof. Abad Ahmad, Chairman, Aga Khan Foundation (india), Ex-Pro-Vice Chancellor, D.Uni. Delhi

"……I am impressed by the work you are doing for the poor children's education. We wish you all the success in your noble endevours………"

-Labh Sachdev, Manager, Resource Administration, Seattle City Light, U.S.A.

"……My congratulations for your pioneering activities particularly for helping the poor………"

-Dr. A.K. Chakrabarty, Ex-Advisor (Engg. & Technology), DST & Ex-Director, NABL, Deptt. of Science & Technology, New Delhi.

"……My congratulations to you for wonderful work………"

-Dr.Ombeer S. Tyagi, Sr.Director, Associate Chamber of Commerce (ASSOCHAM) Delhi.

"……Your contributions to the society will always be remembered and from that angle you have acquired a very high status which may enable us to take some lessons to do some good to the deprived fellows of society………"

-Prof. S.K.Dubey, Dean, School of Management, Ansal Technical Campus Lucknow.

"......Your are a standing example, of an individual can give back to society. May God give the fortitude and strength to continue the monumental work you have been doing......"

- Shri K. Dwarakanath, IOFS, Ex-Chairman & DGOF, Indian Ordnance Factories, (DoDP, MoD, GoI) Bangalore


“We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give ".

-Sir Winston Churchill.