1.0 About Us

People's Development Centre (PDC), established in 14th Aug., 1992 as a non-profit organisation, was registered under Indian Societies Act XXI, 1860 as a welfare society. Its members come from government, public, private, co-operative sector, banks, multinationals, universities, research bodies etc. Besides its headquarters at Chandigarh, its 34 dedicated field secretaries are located all over India and abroad. PDC is dedicated to the service of humanity, protection of environment and climate change. Its main focus is to develop the potential of needy & deserving individuals by all possible means irrespective of caste, creed, colour or race in order to improve the quality of life on Mother Earth.

At PDC, we have a philosophy, a set of values, a way of looking at life which is truly our own. Each one of us believes in this and every action of ours reflects it in our day-to-day behaviour. We have an abiding faith in the existence of human race. We respect and aim to preserve the dignity of every needy & meritorious individual. This is how we approach each deserving human being with a deep sense of service & assistance.

People's Development Centre is strongly of the belief that any personality who was constant source of inspiration to achieve our cherished goal in life or helped us silently without seeking any award/reward or groomed us to stand on our own feet, deserves our special attention as well as due recognition by instituting suitable stipend/ scholarship after his/her name as expression of our gratitude towards him / her. By adopting needy and deserving child/person (say specially-abled girl/ boy/ person, school-going child, budding artist, sports person etc). belonging to remote/interior areas, we are not only propagating but also strengthening an ancient tradition of "Dasvandh" i.e. sharing one tenth of our income with the poorest of the poor on earth as enshrined in each religion* for his/her empowerment.

Padama Shri Late O.P. Bahl, IOFS (Retd.) was the chief mentor of the society.

People's Development Centre (Regd.) is governed by competent professionals who are dedicated to the cause of poor masses.

*"Dasvandh" in Hinduism, Budhism, Jainism and Sikhism is equivalence of "Zakat" in Islam, "Tithe" in Christianity & Judaism.

“So long as millions strive in hunger and ignorance, I hold each and every person a traitor, who having been educated at their expense, pays not the least heed to them. ”
- Swami Vivekananda